A Scanner Darkly Book Jacket Design
A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick. The synopsis: Bob Arctor is a junkie and a drug dealer, both using and selling the mind-altering Substance D. Fred is a law enforcement agent tasked with bringing Bob down. It sounds like a standard case. The only problem is that Bob and Fred are the same person. Substance D doesn't just alter the mind, it splits into two, and neither side knows what the other is doing or that it even exists.
During the research findings, I have found a list of themes, existing book covers, and other similar competitor books in that genre. The target audience would be mature young adults and older adults. Everyone included. Activities include musically influenced, artistic, reading science fiction, dystopian books, futurism, robots, mental health, and crime mystery. The message and concept would be people who are interested in dystopian fiction or futuristic robot intelligence. Learning inside the mind and world of the future. As well as acknowledgment of substance abuse and mental health that are involved in the lives of many people.
The theme and setting the mood I was going for was a deep, psychological visuals, and dark atmosphere. Similar to what the characters in the book are going through.
Existing Book Covers
From the start of my research, I began looking up previous and current book covers of A Scanner Darkly.
Competition/Similar Books
Upon researching, these are similar books in the same genre that would be a competitor with A Scanner Darkly. Two of which are also from Philip K Dick.
Theme Board
I put together a theme that I got reading this book.
Mood Board
Setting the mood with a mood board.
Cover Sketches
Sketches I drew that are inspired from the mood board and the book itself.
Refined Cover Sketches
Digital Drafts Pt.1
I came up with 4 digital drafts from the sketches.
Digital Drafts Pt.2
Decided to continue with two different designs.
Digital Drafts Pt.3
Some minor adjustments to the digital drafts, title text, some body text, and layout placement.
Final Design
Decided this would be the final book jacket design for A Scanner Darkly.
The completed book design on a rock mock-up.
What the books would look like standing together.
Clean right?